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SATS overview

In 2022, Year 6 SATs week will take place on the week beginning Monday 9th May. The SATs tests will take place throughout the week, starting on Monday 9th and ending on Thursday 12th May.


In class and at home, children will practise answering questions in the style of these SATs papers across the year.



Children will undertake 3 Maths papers during the SATS week:


1) Arithmetic paper  -  a 30 minute paper, testing children's arithmetic skills. Possible marks 40

2) Reasoning paper (1) - a 40 minute paper testing children's abilities to answer worded reasoning problems. Possible marks: 35.

3) Reasoning paper (2) - a 40 minute paper testing children's abilities to answer worded reasoning problems. Possible marks: 35.


In 2019, the mark to achieve an age expected level was 58/110 and the greater depth mark was 95/110. These boundaries vary each year.



Children will undertake 1 reading paper lasting 1 hour, where they are required to read and answer comprehension based questions on 3 different fiction and non-fiction texts.  In 2019, the mark required to achieve an age expected level was 28/50 and the greater depth mark was 41/50. These thresholds change each year.


Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG)

Children will undertake 2 papers:


1) Punctuation and Grammar - children will answer short response questions testing their knowledge of grammar and punctuation. Possible score: 50 marks.

2) Spelling - children will be tested on 20 words from the Year 5/6 statutory words and the Year 5/6 spelling patterns. Possible score: 20 marks.


In 2019, the mark required to reach an age expected level was 36/70 and the greater depth mark was 55/70.These thresholds change each year.



Children will be assessed across the year on all their independent writing tasks, based upon the requirements set out in the national curriculum (see separate 'writing' tab for more information). Children will be assessed as either: working towards age expected level, working at an age expected level or working at a greater depth level.



