More Able and Talented
What is More able and Talented and how do we support these pupils and St Marys Wavendon?
What is the definition of more able? In England and Wales, Ofsted and Estyn define the more able in terms of those whose progress and attainment significantly exceed age-related expectations.
We support our more able and talented pupils (MA+T) through high quality teaching and ensuring planning includes differentiation based on individual needs. Teachers extend work for the more able pupils through the use of higher level questioning and activities.
We also provide opportunities for children to thrive in areas of interest.
Science week
During Science week, all classes drive into a science project and participate in experiments based on their year groups curriculum outcomes. At the end of the week we invite parents in to see these projects, hosted and explained by two members of each class.
MADD week
MADD week is a week based on celebrating the arts. Children participate in a range of arts based activities. We also invite children to share their skills to a panel of judges who, after a lot of consideration, choose a winner.
Half-term projects
Half-term projects are creative projects planned and completed at home. These are based on the upcoming topic with links to History, Geography and Science. They allow children to dive into topics and build on their interests prior to teaching.
Extra - Curricular More Able and Talented
At St Marys Wavendon we value our pupils extra-curricular achievements as much as we do any curriculum achievements.
The school provides a range of clubs that children can attend based on their extra-curricular interests.
Currently each Friday we invite our pupils to bring in awards or certificates from outside of school to collectively celebrate.
We would love to share this space with you, for you to send in pictures of your child with their certificates or at their club, such as football or a music lesson, so that as school community we can acknowledge and celebrate their accomplishments.
We ask that any images are suitable for the school website, do not have other children in as they would not have provided consent to the school and are not in front of your house door, for safety reasons.
Please send your pictures to -
We will add them to this page as quickly as possible.