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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2 


Key Class information 2023/2024


Spelling test and new spelling words sent home.

Please return spelling books to school.


Outdoor P.E. - Please remember to wear the correct kit to school - navy blue shorts /jogging bottoms, white t-shirt, navy blue sweater.

Forest School - Please bring wellies for this! (Autumn 1/Spring 1/ Summer 1- 2A/C, Autumn 2/Spring 2/Summer 2- 2B/C)




Indoor P.E. - please remember to wear the correct kit to school - navy blue shorts (to be worn under jogging bottoms in cooler months), white t-shirt, navy blue sweater.

Please return reading records and reading books to school.  If children read 5 times in a week they will be given a sticker.  We will also write your child's times tables test results in their reading record.

Times tables tests - please practise at home.


Summer Term 2024

Topics covered in the Summer term:

Maths - fractions, time, statistics, position and direction


Science - Gardens and allotments (Summer 1), Animal life cycles (Summer 2)


Geography - Australia (Spring 1)


History - History of transport (Summer 2)


Art - drawing techniques (Summer 1)


Design and Technology - bird scarers, moving pictures (Summer 2)


French - In the jungle (Summer 1), Super-heros (Summer 2)


RE - Christianity and Judaism (Shabbat)


Computing - data (tally charts, pictograms etc), making digital music

18th July 2024 - 2B class picnic

July 2024 - Trip to The Shuttleworth Collection - more photos to follow

July 2024 - cooking the potatoes from our playground allotment

MADD Week July 2024 - Bollywood dancing

Forest School 2nd July 2024

MK Music Festival 19th June 2024

Spring Term 2024

Topics covered in the Spring term:

Maths - money (Spring 1), multiplication and division, measurement (length, height, mass, volume, capacity and temperature) (Spring 2)


Science - Plants (Spring 1), Habitats (Spring 2)


Geography - Australia (Spring 1)


History - The Great Fire of London (Spring 2)


Art - Aboriginal art (Spring 1), collage techniques (Spring 2)


Design and Technology - Aboriginal rainsticks, Anzac biscuits (Spring 1)


French - Transport (Spring 1), Under the sea (Spring 2)


RE - Christian and Jewish celebrations (New Year, Easter)


R.E. - Easter symbols - hot cross bun tasting session 27th March 2024

Art - making habitat collages March 2024

Maths - measuring

Art and Design Technology (February 2024)- making Aboriginal rain sticks

NSPCC Number Day (2/2/24) - Wearing numbers

Maths (26/1/24) - Money - making amounts and finding change

Autumn Term 2023

December 2023 - Nativity - "Backstage" photos

December 2023 - Science - Making and testing paper bridges

November 2023 - Science - Investigating which is the best material to make a toy boat

28th September 2023 - Science - Making wax-resistant pictures

21st September 2023 - Science - Carrying out an investigation to find out which materials are the most waterproof

14th September 2023 - Science - investigating which materials are the most absorbent

7th September 2023 - Science - Investigating how many drops of water different materials can hold on their surfaces

September 2023 - Maths - making and ordering numbers


2B Picnic with parents 7th July 2023

Science 6th July 2023 - making toy boats out of different materials and testing them for durability

From the year 2 team!

Tasting Hot Cross Buns 24th March 2023

Holiday Homework Packs (February half-term)


As promised during our SATs information meeting, we have sent home a holiday homework pack for each child to help them to prepare for their SATs in May.  In the pack, you will find reading comprehensions, maths problems, SPAG activities and a blank handwriting sheet which you might like to photocopy for your child to practise their handwriting. We are encouraging children to form their letters correctly, to keep their letters to a consistent size, to remember finger spacing and to try to join letters if possible.   The homework we have set is of course completely optional, but the more the children practise at home, the more prepared they will be for their SATs in May.


Have a lovely half-term!


Science (Outdoor Learning) 2nd February 2023 - hunting for woodlice and recording results on a tally chart


We have been using (and will continue to use when possible) the outdoor learning area (Forest School) in our science lessons this half term.

The first week, the children looked for things that were dead, alive or have never been alive. 

This second week we looked at what minibeasts could be found in different microhabitats (grass, mud, logs, leaves, water, trees etc) and then discussed why they chose to live there.

The children have enjoyed exploring the area and have found lots of interesting things to talk and write about back in the classroom.  

It is very wet and muddy out there at the moment, so wellies are a must!

Science (Outdoor Learning) Thursday 12th January 2023

Science (outdoor learning)Thursday 5th January 2023

Happy New Year !

Decorating Christmas biscuits 13th December 2022

Christmas Jumper Day 8th December 2022

KS1 Nativity December 2022 - Year 2 backstage getting ready to perform

Visit to St Mary's Church - November 2022

Emergency Services Visit

Today, Friday 21st October, the children will be coming home with a transcript from the parents' evening appointments this week. Together with this, they will have some activities which they can complete at home over the half term period. Please do not feel that this is compulsory but if you can support your child to complete some of these it would help to reinforce some of the learning we have been covering this half term.  

The Year 2 team wish you all a very happy half term and enjoy the rest!

Great Fire of London Topic - Children's work (art and history)

Science: Wax-resistant Paintings

In science, the children have been learning about different materials and their properties.  They have performed various experiments to test different materials to see which ones absorb water and which ones are waterproof.  After discovering that adding wax to a material can make it waterproof, the children tested the waterproof properties of wax further by making wax-resistant pictures, using wax crayons and watercolour paint. Here are some of their pictures:


Curriculum Subjects

Keystage 1 - Year 2

What subjects do we cover?

 English: Writing, Reading and Communication
 Mathematics: To know and use numbers, Multiplication and division, fractions, properties of shape,    

     position, direction and movement, measures, statistics and algebra

 Science: working scientifically, biology, chemistry and physics
 Art and Design Technology
 Computing
 Music
 History
 Geography
 Physical Education
 Religious Education
 Personal development and Citizenship
 French

Although there are all these discrete subjects, many are taught through a themed approach in school where subjects are combined. 

KS1 SATs Support Materials

Please, read these for further information about KS1 SATs. We have included practice questions in all areas of the English and mathematics curriculum that is tested, but it is entirely your choice whether you look together with your child at these.
