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Year 4

Year 4

Foxes and Otters

Welcome to the Year 4 class page  

Please use this page to access useful information, class updates and to see what the children have been getting up to.

Our class gallery can be found at the bottom of the page.

Learning at home

This is support for pupil learning where they are off school yet are themselves well enough to work and learn from home. If you have difficulty in accessing this, please contact the school office so we are able to download for you some of the resources at an appropriate time if your child is in the situation of having to stay at home.





Free eBooks -


Writing – 

Oxford Owl - Supporting writing at home


Free writing activity booklet (sign up)


Spellings – Please see the class page below.  Find different ways of writing your spellings.  Write each letter in a different colour or write a story that uses all of your spellings.


Spelling support and games - Spelling frame


Grammar and punctuation – 

BBC Grammar and Punctuation support


Grammar and Punctuation support



BBC Teach Handwriting support


Oxford Owl Primary Handwriting Support




Supermovers - Dances and songs for KS2 English


Supermovers - Dances and songs for KS1 English



Whiterose Y4 Curriculum


FREE workbook downloads for all our Maths topics, created by our Maths scheme provide Whiterose

Select Year 4 and you can scroll along all our topics. There are also all other year groups if you feel you need simpler questions or to recover some topics again. 

Times Tables Rockstars


TT Check mock test - Actual check to take place in June


Supermovers - Times Tables songs and dances


Supermovers - KS2 Maths songs and dances


Supermovers - KS1 Maths songs and dances


TopMarks - Maths games and support


MathsFrame - Games, worksheets and support


Bank of word problems discussed at parents evening can be accessed further down the page. 




Autumn term 1 - Electricity

BBC Bitesize - Electricity


Practice creating circuits


Spring 1 - States of matter

States of matter game


States of matter - Interactive simulator


States of matter - BBC Bitesize



Autumn 1- 

History- Ancient Sumerians

Ancient Sumer introduction

Ideas: Compare schools in Ancient Sumer with schools today - what is the same and what is different? Make a poster about Ancient Sumerian life. 


Ancient Sumer facts



Tour a Hindu temple online


Spring 1

History- Romans

BBC - Celts vs Roman game


Roman quiz - Penalty Shootout game


BBC Bitesize - Roman Empire learner guides


BBC Teach Radio - Roman characters, sketches and songs



Roman Gods and Goddesses - Who's who


Ancient Rome - Gods and mythology


Roman Gods and Beliefs - Video


Gods and Goddesses - Song



BBC Bitesize (All subjects)


BBC Newsround (News for children)


Fun facts for children on a variety of topics


Learn to type on a desktop/laptop keyboard


Visit a variety of places around the world online (


Pompeii video watched in class


True size of countries






Curriculum Subjects



Year 4 pupils are taught a wide variety of subjects from the New Curriculum and are assessed throughout the year against milestone 2. Throughout lower key stage 2 they will be assessed using a basic, advancing or deep understanding of their learning, using the milestone criteria.


What subjects do we cover?

• English: Writing, Reading and Communication
• Mathematics: To know and use numbers, multiplication and division, fractions, properties of shape, position, direction and movement, measures, statistics and algebra
• Science: working scientifically, biology, chemistry and physics
• Art and Design Technology
• Computing
• Music
• History
• Geography
• Physical Education
• Religious Education
• Personal development and Citizenship, including our school Christian Values.
• MFL- French


Although there are all these discrete subjects, many are taught through a themed approach through a range of exciting topics and themes throughout the school year. In the Year 4 Class, our Christian school values are deeply embedded and every day we discuss our belief of the day which links to our focused Christian value for the half term.

Key Class Information


If your child is in the Foxes class, they will have PE on a Wednesday and Thursday this half term. Otters class will have PE on a Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure your child has the correct PE kit for these lessons.
Please ensure you have provided medical tape if your child wears earrings and cannot remove them for PE. 


Every Monday the children have their spellings test. As part of their homework, children should be practising their spellings throughout the week. 

On Friday the children have their times tables test. Children should also work on their times tables throughout the week. Please encourage your child to use Times Tables Rockstar's so that the class teacher can check in on their progress and areas where your child may need further support.

As part of their homework, the children need to read to an adult at least three times a week. Please write a short note in your child's home school diary to acknowledge this so that they can receive the reading rewards. 

KIRFs (Key Instant Recall Facts) - These are handed out at the beginning of each half term and have recommendations for challenges that the children can complete. Each half term, the class will be assessed on their KIRF.


Your child has been advised of their spelling group. Please be aware that spelling groups may change.


In the block below is a powerpoint presentation which shows your child's weekly spellings for each group. 




Useful Links

Listed below are some really excellent websites that we regularly use in class. - Fabulous website for learning and practising spellings. The children are familiar with this and know how to use it. - This website is great to prepare for the upcoming times tables test. There is a 6 second timer to help the children familiarise themselves with the timing. - Excellent for practising times tables. The class teacher can also keep track of your child's progress and note any times tables they may be struggling with. - A really fun website to help with times tables and other maths related topics. - Particularly good for times tables but also with subjects such as English. We regularly use this website to sing our times tables and dance. - A fun website for learning through movement. It also offers children exercise and opportunities for reflection and meditation. 
