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Year 6 Home Learning Portal

Year 6 Home Learning Page

Please see the links below for a range of online resources that you are able to access on a daily basis. 


In addition to this, I would also encourage you to log onto Mrs Richards' SATS portal where you will be able to find a range of SATS practise papers to supplement your learning.

Maths - White Rose Maths

Please click here for the interactive maths lessons from White Rose Maths relating to Year 6.


English, Topic and Maths - Oak National Academy

Please click here for the Year 6 lessons provided by Oak Academy. Make sure you are looking at the relevant week and click on the correct day. If we have covered a particular topic in class, or if you feel you would benefit from a different topic area of learning, you are able to look back over previous week's lessons and select these also.


English, Maths and Topic from BBC Bitesize

Please click here for the Year 6 topics provided by BBC Bitesize. Please select topics that we have been studying in class.



Autumn 2 - Electricity on the Oak Academy website - click here

Spring 1 - Adaptation and Evolution on the Oak Academy website - click here

Summer 1 - Diet and Lifestyles on the Oak Academy website - click here



Autumn - World War 1 resources on the BBC Bitesize website - click here

Spring 1 - Earthquakes, mountains and volcanoes on the Oak Academy website - click here

Spring 2 - Geography Fieldwork on the Oak Academy website - click here

Summer 1- Ancient Greeks on the Oak Academy website - click here

Summer 2 - Mayan Civilization on the BBC Bitesize website - click here
