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Year 1

Welcome to our Year 1 Class Page


Welcome to our Year One Class page. Here you will find all the information that will be relevant to support you throughout the year. During Year One children build on the skills they have acquired in the Early Years Foundation Stage to become independent and active learners. To aid transition from EYFS to KS1 and given their most recent experiences in the Reception Class, teaching and learning will initially be organised in a style that is familiar to the children. As the year progresses, the timetable will gradually become more structured and formal, preparing them for the challenges of both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.


Please feel free to get in touch and ask questions, as I am here to help you to help get the best out of the children. I look forward to working closely with you all.






Mr Singh & Miss Castle 

Year 1 Class Teacher

Key Class information


Reading and Reading Records         Monday       

Children in Year 1 are expected to read 5x a week.

Reading records will be checked every Monday. Children must read a minimum of 5 times per week to receive a sticker.

SpellingsMondaySpellings will be sent home each Monday starting in the second Autumn Term and children will be tested on them the following Monday. A good way to support you children with spellings is to get them to apply the words into a sentence whilst they are learning them. 
PhonicsEverydayChildren's spellings will be in line the phonics sounds they will be learning, So if you ask them to recognise those particular sounds in books or things like cereal boxes. This will help build there confidence.
P.ETuesday and FridaysThis half term children have PE on Tuesday Outdoor on Friday indoors.

For homework, children have their reading to do, can write sentences using their spellings, practise their phonics and counting for Maths.

However, at the start of each term we will have a topic - please feel free to research that topic with the children and this can count towards their homework learning.




Spellings will be handed out every Monday and tested the following Monday. As we discussed during our parent/carer-teacher consultation. These spellings are to help the children identify two letters making one sound (Digraph or special friends) and three letters making one sound (tri-graphs and/or special friends) and where two letters a split by a consonant (split digraphs or chatty friends), which we will work on during our phonics sessions throughout the year.

I will upload the weekly spellings on here just in case the spellings get lost or misplaced. For the extra challenge please encourage children to write a sentence with the spellings included. The date on the spellings is the handout date and will be tested the following week.


Please see me if you have any further questions. 



Phonics sounds

40 Acts of Kindness

Curriculum Subjects


Keystage 1 - Year 1


Year 1 pupils are taught a wide variety of subjects from the New Curriculum. 

Throughout the year they are assessed against milestones. Milestone 1 broadly covers Years 1 and 2. By the end of the school year your chid will be either approaching, at or past the milestone with a basic, advancing or deep understanding.

What subjects do we cover?

 English: Writing, Reading and Communication
 Mathematics: To know and use numbers, Multiplication and division, fractions, properties of shape,    

     position, direction and movement, measures, statistics and algebra

 Science: working scientifically, biology, chemistry and physics
 Art and Design Technology
 Computing
 Music
 History
 Geography
 Physical Education
 Religious Education
 Personal development and Citizenship
 Languages

Although there are discrete subjects, many are taught through a themed approach in school where subjects are combined. 

Important Information






Handwriting - The children will be starting off by working on their fine motor skills. They will be practising forming all of the letters of the alphabet.

English - The children will be looking at what capital letters/full stops are, why and how we use them in a sentence. They will practise writing a sentence using capital letters and full stops.

Phonics - This is a very important area of learning in Year 1. Phonics supports reading so it is important that the teaching of phonics happens everyday in Year 1. Children will learn to read phonetically, read sight words as well as using their sounds to spell words


In maths this year we will be using a very practical approach and rely heavily on the multi-sensory apparatus. The children will begin the year by looking at careful counting, matching number to quantity and numeral writing. They will then look at comparing groups of objects/numbers talking about greater than and less than before moving onto looking at place value of number.



Please ensure that your child has appropriate clothing, as he/she will go out in all weathers (tracksuit bottoms, jumper, t-shirt, trainers and socks). Please ensure that all items of uniform and PE kit are named.

Please note: Children with long hair must have their hair tied back and all earrings must be removed before the children come to school. 


Below I have linked the complete set of keywords. If your children are still working on reading these then please keep working on them with them. 

If your child has learnt to read all key words by sight, they can continue learning to write and spell them correctly as this is something we were focusing a lot on before lockdown. 

You could ask your child to write the word a few times and then ask them to put the word into a sentence. To challenge them further can they put the word into a sentence without the word in front of them?


In RE, the children will be learning about what it means to belong. They will learn about how people show they belong to their faith community. They will learn about how babies are welcomed and the promises that are made at weddings. They will think about their own network of belonging and how we all belong to someone.


We will be exploring feelings of beginning and belonging, developing classroom ground rules and building on positive relationships in class. The children will have the opportunity to consider what it feels like to be in a new class situation and how to cope with it and in turn help others.


Things that you could do at home:

• Sing ‘Weather’ songs with your child like I hear thunder and It’s raining, it’s pouring…

• Watch the weather forecast together.

• Visit the library to look for stories with familiar settings and poetry based on the weather.

• Encourage looking at the date to help them familiarise with days of the week and months of the year.

• We have been singing the 'days of the week' with the Adams family theme! They sing for you at home.

• Collect rain for a week and measure how much came down!

• Draw a chalk circle round a puddle and watch how long it takes to disappear. Where did it go? 

• It will really help your child if they can count and recognise numbers to 20, counting forwards and backwards. Look out for different numbers on your walk to school: numbers on doors, on cars/buses.


Additional Information to support from home



BBC Newsround local, national and global stories




There are fantastic and fun ideas on these websites of creative tasks to complete.




 Mindfulness and wellbeing:

NHS Website:



Mindfulness Meditation for Kids | BREATHING EXERCISE | Guided Meditation for Children






Wellbeing and Mindfullness
