All children are automatically eligible for 15 hours of Nursery Education Funding provided by the Government, from the term after their third birthday:
Child’s Birthday | Funding available
1st January to 31st March | The beginning of term on or after 1st April
1st April to 31st August | The beginning of term on or after 1st September
1st September to 31st December | The beginning of term on or after 1st January
30 hours funded places are available for children whose parents are eligible, click here for further information: Or the additional 15 hours can be paid for, if places are available. Further details on costs can be found in the Nursery Finance Policy.
There will be a Nursery intake in September each year. If places are still available after this, places will be offered to children who move into the area and are already three and eligible for funding (see dates above)
Alternatively, there will be an intake in January and Easter if spaces are available.
How to apply:
To apply for Nursery place, complete and return the following forms, either by hard copy to the School Office, or via email to
- Nursery Admission
- ParentMail form
- Ethnic Background
- Milk- can be ordered free online if required through Cool Milk
- Utility bill in Parent’s Name/Address
- Hospital or Child Benefit letter in child’s name/address (if have)
- Passport/Birth Certificate for the child
Confirmation of the Nursery place will then be sent through to you, alongside induction and start dates. Any queries please email or call the School Office on 01908 582182.
The Nursery Team